
New versions of Human Emulator Studio

New versions of Human Emulator Studio based on Chromium (CEF) released 7.0.39 - 7.0.43.

Recently, several new versions of the Human Emulator Studio program have been released:

Main changes by versions:

7.0.39 (2019.09.17)
 - added browser->clear_local_storage (full wipe local storage for all domains)
 - in team start_video_record is_gray added parameter that allows you to record video black and white
 - attached function window.is_focused_window and window.is_foreground_window
 - in WindowInterace added function is_foreground
 - added new functions recognize_geetest and recognize_recaptcha_v2 to recognize geetest captcha and recaptcha v2 regular and invisible

7.0.40 (2019.09.27)
        - added Fake Media UI customization to improve fingerprint WebRTC
        - added setting of Fake Media Devices to improve fingerprint WebRTC
        - added command browser->set_random_webgl_fingerprint : (https://browserleaks.com/webgl)
        - added browser->set_internationalization function (Internationalization API control on page https://browserleaks.com/javascript) 
        - Internationalization page added to profile dialog

7.0.41 (2019.10.10)
 - updated chromium engine to version 77
        - in raw->set_hook_on_begin_transaction-added ability to change POST data (input file in2_, output (processed) out2_, in its absence nothing changes)
        - improvement set_time_zone
        - set_time_zone - now time_zone is passed as GMT (3 = GMT+0300, -3 = GMT -0300 )    
        - adding the mouse->send_touch_to method to move your finger along the path
        - memory optimization    
        - in plugins added the ability to add items to the context menu of the browser

7.0.42 (2019.10.31)
 - updated chromium engine to 77.0.3865.120 version
        - chrome engine updated to version 78.0.3904.70
        - the devicePixelRatio parameter has been added to the browser->set_hardware_info function to be set in the window JS engine.devicePixelRatio
        - in the browser->set_app_info function, the vendor and vendorSub parameters have been added for setting in the JS navigator engine.vendor and navigator.vendorSub
        - added browser->clear_indexed_db command
        - clear cookies now clears all storage associated with cookies (Local Storage, Session Storage, IndexedDB, database and cookies themselves)
        - in the function connection - >set_local_ip added parameters that control DNS: defaultDNS, subDNS
        - updated CEF engine to version 78.3.1 

7.0.43 (2019.11.18)
 - added the ability to set the path to the settings folder via the command line parameter: /settings_folder: "path"
 - in browser->close_all_tabs the parameter close_type ("Without Active","All Left","All Right")-allowing to close the corresponding tabs is added 
 - default graphics card for WebGL rendering
 - added setting to use Google Switchshader for rendering (WebGL Unmasked Renderer)
        - under browser->navigate ("") now is happening transition on about: blank
        - in function browser->get_current_proxy added parameter with_auth-allowing together with proxy obtain his login and parole
        - improved operation of set_random_webgl_fingerprint: added parameters: noiseImage, noiseParams, unmaskedVendor, unmaskedRenderer, glVersion, shadingLanguageVersion, vendor, renderer, corresponding to the parameters on the page : https://browserleaks.com/webgl

The new version is available for download in the user panel.

7.0.20 (and next versions) only works on Windows x64. x86 legacy model + so there is no limit to 2Gb of memory + higher speed.

For x32 we will release separate builds of versions (once in one or two months for sure, maybe more often).

The entire change log for the versions you can see on the website.

A description of all commands with examples of usage can be found in the documentation
If you have any questions about the work of new commands added only in the Studio version write on the forum.

For any questions, please contact the sales Department:

Skype: live:sales_91434
email: sales@webemulator.com
telegram: @saleshumanemulator


Updates of the Human Emulator Studio version 7.0.38

New versions of Human Emulator Studio based on Chromium (CEF) released 7.0.38.

7.0.38 (2019.09.04)
- in XHEInerface: get_parent added the level parameter to specify the parent in relation to the element
- in XHEInerface get_parent_by_attribute added function to search the parent items with the specified attribute value
- improved setting of breakpoints with mouse
- improve auto scrolling of debug window
- improved settings to forbid WebGL
- improved settings to display the security dialog of the browser
- when working with frames in all functions, you can now specify instead of the number, part of its url: url= > XXX or part of the name name= > XXX, then the search will not be by number but by part of the name or part of the url frame
- improved handling of frame number with a large number of frames
- minor interface improvements
- improved the display item in the toolbar items list when it is selected in the tree pane items
- added the ability to open an item in the item list panel from the inspector
- improved set_foreground_window

The new version is available for download in the user panel.

7.0.20 (and next versions) only works on Windows x64. x86 legacy model + so there is no limit to 2Gb of memory + higher speed.

For x32 we will release separate builds of versions (once in one or two months for sure, maybe more often).

The entire change log for the versions you can see on the website.

A description of all commands with examples of usage can be found in the documentation
If you have any questions about the work of new commands added only in the Studio version write on the forum.

For any questions, please contact the sales Department:
Skype: live:sales_91434


Updates of the Human Emulator Studio version 7.0.37

New versions of Human Emulator Studio based on Chromium (CEF) released 7.0.37.

7.0.37 (2019.08.21)
- updated Chromium version to 76
- minor bug fix interface (spelling)
- bug fix for memory leaks
- bug fix auto scroll in debug panels
- added search to the code assistant
- bug fix get_pos_in_webpage_picture
- webpage improvement->print_screen - now you can take a screenshot of any part of the page (even hidden).

The new version is available for download in the user panel.

7.0.20 (and next versions) only works on Windows x64. x86 legacy model + so there is no limit to 2Gb of memory + higher speed.

For x32 we will release separate builds of versions (once in one or two months for sure, maybe more often).

The entire change log for the versions you can see on the website.

A description of all commands with examples of usage can be found in the documentation
If you have any questions about the work of new commands added only in the Studio version write on the forum.

For any questions, please contact the sales Department:
Skype: live:sales_91434


Updates of the Human Emulator Studio version 7.0.36

New versions of Human Emulator Studio based on Chromium (CEF) released 7.0.36.

7.0.36 (2019.06.17)
- updated Chromium version to 74.0.3729.108
- improved garbage collection and memory optimization
- context menu on browser bookmarks now supports Python,JS,C#
- added to the DOM objects for the corresponding HTML tags:
- footer
- header
- section
- improved memory handling when re-creating the browser and closing the bookmark
- bug fix select_value_by_attribute with inexact matching + regular expressions support

7.0.20 (and next versions) only works on Windows x64. x86 legacy model + so there is no limit to 2Gb of memory + higher speed.

For x32 we will release separate builds of versions (once in one or two months for sure, maybe more often).

The entire change log for the versions you can see on the website.

A description of all commands with examples of usage can be found in the documentation
If you have any questions about the work of new commands added only in the Studio version write on the forum.

For any questions, please contact the sales Department:
Skype: live:sales_91434

We wish you all success in using our software products!


Updates of the Human Emulator Studio version 7.0.33 - 7.0.35

New versions of Human Emulator Studio based on Chromium (CEF) released 7.0.33-7.0.35.

7.0.33 (2019.05.05)
- CEF engine updated to 74 versions
- bug fix interface bugs
- bug fix settings otklucheny pictures
- bug fix rare situations arising in the work 

7.0.34 (2019.05.26)
- improved browser speed and rendering optimization
- bug fix screenshots in a collapsed state
- bug fix read state gokuldas panels
- in get_count_by_attribute and get_all_by_xxx added the ability to use regular expressions (exactly = 2)
- bug fix schedule scripts - for a single run of the script
- minor interface improvements
- made accounting for the scrolling of parent elements when creating a screenshot in the functions interface->screenshot and scrrenshot_by_xxx
- before creating a screenshot, the previous screenshot file is now always deleted if it was added windows command->screenshot to create screenshots of the desktop from different monitors of the system
- small bug fix interface
- bug fix start errors in some configurations
- added command image->get_pos_of_image
- bug fix work schedule scripts
- improved editing of start date in the task settings schedule scripts
- bug fix mouse clicks in external Windows (windowinterface)
- improved full mouse emulation (mouse).)
- bug fix browser operation when scaling + improved scaling accuracy
- bug fix the program when changing the DPI interface (125% 150% ...)
- improved screenshots of external programs + added option to create simplified screenshots
- added command image->get_all_pos_of_image

7.0.35 (2019.06.04)
- added option to Enable Touch Evants - to support touch commands
- added mouse command->send_touch - to emulate touch events

7.0.20 (and next versions) only works on Windows x64. x86 legacy model + so there is no limit to 2Gb of memory + higher speed.

For x32 we will release separate builds of versions (once in one or two months for sure, maybe more often).

The entire change log for the versions you can see on the website.

A description of all commands with examples of usage can be found in the documentation
If you have any questions about the work of new commands added only in the Studio version write on the forum.

For any questions, please contact the sales Department:
Skype: human.emulator

We wish you all success in using our software products!


Update of the Human Emulator Studio version 7.0.32

New version of Human Emulator Studio based on Chromium (CEF) released 7.0.32.

7.0.32 (2019.04.04)
- improvement of the functions that set cookies
- CEF engine updated to version 73
- small interface improvements
- improvement of the context menu in the browser for selecting actions with elements
- bug fix no scrolling in the log with a small log size
- bug fix opening a new page
- fix bug working with Selenium WebDriver
- bugfix restart in single version

7.0.20 (and next versions) only works on Windows x64. x86 legacy model + so there is no limit to 2Gb of memory + higher speed.

For x32 we will release separate builds of versions (once in one or two months for sure, maybe more often).

The entire change log for the versions you can see on the website.

A description of all commands with examples of usage can be found in the documentation
If you have any questions about the work of new commands added only in the Studio version write on the forum.

For any questions, please contact the sales Department:
Skype: human.emulator

We wish you all success in using our software products!


Update of the Human Emulator Studio version 7.0.31

New version of Human Emulator Studio based on Chromium (CEF) released 7.0.31.

Update 7.0.31

  • improving the work of F1 in the editor - when you select any text-looking for information on it in the help
  • update built-in auxiliary libraries
  • save_url_to_file now supports relative paths
  • added the ability to open csv files in the editor
  • small bug fix and interface improvement
  • in C# added objects to work with SMS
  • added experimental browser model-Chrome Web Driver to control real chrome on the computer (alpha version)
  • CEF engine updated to 72 versions
7.0.20 (and next versions) only works on Windows x64. x86 legacy model + so there is no limit to 2Gb of memory + higher speed.

For x32 we will release separate builds of versions (once in one or two months for sure, maybe more often).

The entire change log for the versions you can see on the website.

A description of all commands with examples of usage can be found in the documentation
If you have any questions about the work of new commands added only in the Studio version write on the forum.

For any questions, please contact the sales Department:
Skype: human.emulator

We wish you all success in using our software products!


Update Human Emulator Studio 7.0.30

New version of Human Emulator Studio based on Chromium (CEF) released 7.0.30.

    7.0.30 (2019.02.05)
    - minor interface improvements
    - added Search to the elements tree
    - improved display of context menus
    - improvement of popups
    - bug fix set_cookie when setting spaces between cookies
    - improved Ctrl+Tab operation to switch between editor tabs
    - improved execution of the selected fragment of the script - now the script is created and executed in the same folder as the script from which the fragment was taken
    - improved tree update-now remembers the selected frame
    - added to editor menu - operations-remove trailing spaces and tabs
    - improvement of the Copy browser context menu item

7.0.20 (and next versions) only works on Windows x64. x86 legacy model + so there is no limit to 2Gb of memory + higher speed.

For x32 we will release separate builds of versions (once in one or two months for sure, maybe more often).

The entire change log for the versions you can see on the website.

A description of all commands with examples of usage can be found in the documentation
If you have any questions about the work of new commands added only in the Studio version write on the forum.

For any questions, please contact the sales Department:
Skype: human.emulator

We wish you all success in using our software products!


Update Human Emulator Studio 7.0.29

New version of Human Emulator Studio based on Chromium (CEF) released 7.0.29.

7.0.29 (2019.01.22)
  • Mail object is now available in JS, PY, CS + updated tests and help
  • PHP updated to version 7.2.14
  • improved mail examples - >set_proxy()
  • when specifying the User Agent, both appCodeName and appCodeVersion are now also specified
  • minor interface improvements
  • the context menu for mouse commands now offers coordinates relative to the start of the page
  • bug fix opening links with target="_blank" - the url is now monitored and all other components
  • bugfix raw->get_last_response_buffer

7.0.20 (and next versions) only works on Windows x64. x86 legacy model + so there is no limit to 2Gb of memory + higher speed.

For x32 we will release separate builds of versions (once in one or two months for sure, maybe more often).

The entire change log for the versions you can see on the website.

A description of all commands with examples of usage can be found in the documentation
If you have any questions about the work of new commands added only in the Studio version write on the forum.

For any questions, please contact the sales Department:
Skype: human.emulator

We wish you all success in using our software products!


Updates Human Emulator Studio 7.0.27-7.0.28

New versions of Human Emulator Studio based on Chromium (CEF) released 7.0.27-7.0.28.

7.0.27 (2018.12.19)

  • - an updated version of CEF 71
  • - improved speed and stability
  • - added $listbox->select_random_by_attribute
  • - bug fix starting from komandnye line
  • - updated Node.js
  • - minor interface improvements
  • - added objects to work with.
  • - $onlinesim
  • - $smsactivate
  • - $simnet
  • - $cheapsms
  • - improved work with Popup Windows

7.0.28 (2019.01.15)

  • - in advanced browser settings added the ability to specify command line arguments for the browser (https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/)
  • - added the ability to specify the browser command line at startup-for example /browser_command_line: "--touch-events=1,--disable-features = CrossSiteDocumentBlockingAlways, CrossSiteDocumentBlockingIfIsolating"
  • - bug fix adding a new task to the scheduler (if no start date is specified)
  • - improved console output
  • - Code Helper is now available for JS scripts
  • - updated browser engine

7.0.20 (and next versions) only works on Windows x64. x86 legacy model + so there is no limit to 2Gb of memory + higher speed.

For x32 we will release separate builds of versions (once in one or two months for sure, maybe more often).

The entire change log for the versions you can see on the website.

A description of all commands with examples of usage can be found in the documentation
If you have any questions about the work of new commands added only in the Studio version write on the forum.

For any questions, please contact the sales Department:
Skype: human.emulator

We wish you all success in using our software products!