
The latest Web Emulator updates.

Scientists say that between the time when caveman picked up a stick to beat off the enemy and the bow and arrows invention about two and a half million years had elapsed. Fortunately, in our time, progress moves a little faster. Human Emulator has greatly expanded its capabilities just near three months. Of course, with the help of users and programmers.

A small overview of program key features that emerged after the release of version 4.0:

The most anticipated the program features, no doubt, was capture and the opening of any pop-up windows in new program inlays, for example Firefox. Now it is not necessary to cut out the attributes of “target = "_blank"” in links, or to disassemble the post-request forms, submitted data to new window. Stumbling on the pop-up, the script will simply continue working with him in a new tab. When all planned operations end it will return to the main operation.

The proxy-checker functional has been significantly improved and expanded also. Now you cancheck proxies for anonymity and the ability to pass post-queries. You can control his work full from a script and work in parallel with test other tasks / scripts in an Emulator.

Unfortunately, because of the lack of examples and explanations, the object $ Raw appearance functional in program was rather quiet. Now this fault is disposed and everyone can evaluate the opportunities that complete control over the exchange of data provides between the browser and the server. The rest entirely depends on User’s objectives and fantasy.

The opportunity to work with the security warning dialog box and files downloading became a welcome addition to everything else done. You can now fully turn off the first, for messages about the transition to a secure connection, etc. not interfering more. Second, you can set the path for default downloading, to which all interesting for your file will be saved without asking user permission and not stopping the process thereby.

Multithreaded version has got separate settings for each program copy, even being running from one place needed number of times.

The updates “for convenience”:

You can go, for example, directly to the function usage, or its directory description on the site, from dialogue code adding (alt+ctrl+right).This greatly reduces the time of searching information you need, and reduces the chance to "miss the idea" you wish to realize). The function “find_and_navigate_on_link_by_number” was added to the object “$ mail”. With the help of it, the registration confirmation and account activation comes easier to use and write.

To the commands that return the list of something after their development (for example “get_all_urls”), added the argument “$ separator”. It will separate one row from another. The default used " " but it can be better in different cases to use" \ r \ n ", or "; ".

The ability to specify "Default" folder for scripts was added. New scripts will be created at the new location after its shift. “File-> Open” will display the contents of you specified folder primordially.

We try to do everything in our’s power to maintain for users the product urgency and usefulness. So, we ready to listen and note all your wishes about the functional expanding, additions and corrections.

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