
Project flow managers in Multi Thread

As you have noticed, there is another exe: XHEManager in program root version 4.0.12. With the help of scripts the execution in multithreaded mode can be greatly simplified. Despite the fact that the Manager can copy the folder with the program by special option from the File menu, there is more economical and simple way, which will be described below.

Let's start with the preparation of the script. Find (or add to the right script top, if that line isn’t exists) variable “$xhe_host ="" ”; for script running without any problems, you need to replace the port in that line to a variable "$argv[1]”.

This line will look like this: “$xhe_host ="".$argv[1]”; If it is planned to use the restart at the script ($app-> restart), then the variable “$ argv [1]” also should be replaced with the arguments “$params” and “$ port”. That is, the function will look like this: “$app-> restart($scriptpath ="",$argv [1], $argv [1])”;

The results of our manipulations allow passing to the script all the necessary for the work data, so it only needs to add the task through the manager. It is needed to check the program path at menu "Add", to point the script path and to set the port number at line "Port". Quantity of desired threads can be determined by clicking on the appropriate check mark.

After all done, you can start the flows you need, separating them by “ctrl” and click the button "Run". Manager will open the needed number of program copies in turn and will train scripts.

The pause time between starting the program copies can be set in Preferences.

  • The button "Stop all" closes all running the Emulator copies, but don’t stop the work of their scripts.

  • You can learn more about the purpose of a button from the pop reference, if you stop the cursor on it.


The latest Web Emulator updates.

Scientists say that between the time when caveman picked up a stick to beat off the enemy and the bow and arrows invention about two and a half million years had elapsed. Fortunately, in our time, progress moves a little faster. Human Emulator has greatly expanded its capabilities just near three months. Of course, with the help of users and programmers.

A small overview of program key features that emerged after the release of version 4.0:

The most anticipated the program features, no doubt, was capture and the opening of any pop-up windows in new program inlays, for example Firefox. Now it is not necessary to cut out the attributes of “target = "_blank"” in links, or to disassemble the post-request forms, submitted data to new window. Stumbling on the pop-up, the script will simply continue working with him in a new tab. When all planned operations end it will return to the main operation.

The proxy-checker functional has been significantly improved and expanded also. Now you cancheck proxies for anonymity and the ability to pass post-queries. You can control his work full from a script and work in parallel with test other tasks / scripts in an Emulator.

Unfortunately, because of the lack of examples and explanations, the object $ Raw appearance functional in program was rather quiet. Now this fault is disposed and everyone can evaluate the opportunities that complete control over the exchange of data provides between the browser and the server. The rest entirely depends on User’s objectives and fantasy.

The opportunity to work with the security warning dialog box and files downloading became a welcome addition to everything else done. You can now fully turn off the first, for messages about the transition to a secure connection, etc. not interfering more. Second, you can set the path for default downloading, to which all interesting for your file will be saved without asking user permission and not stopping the process thereby.

Multithreaded version has got separate settings for each program copy, even being running from one place needed number of times.

The updates “for convenience”:

You can go, for example, directly to the function usage, or its directory description on the site, from dialogue code adding (alt+ctrl+right).This greatly reduces the time of searching information you need, and reduces the chance to "miss the idea" you wish to realize). The function “find_and_navigate_on_link_by_number” was added to the object “$ mail”. With the help of it, the registration confirmation and account activation comes easier to use and write.

To the commands that return the list of something after their development (for example “get_all_urls”), added the argument “$ separator”. It will separate one row from another. The default used " " but it can be better in different cases to use" \ r \ n ", or "; ".

The ability to specify "Default" folder for scripts was added. New scripts will be created at the new location after its shift. “File-> Open” will display the contents of you specified folder primordially.

We try to do everything in our’s power to maintain for users the product urgency and usefulness. So, we ready to listen and note all your wishes about the functional expanding, additions and corrections.


The image search on page function.

At the Human Emulator program version 4.0.10 were added two functions: “get_x_in_webpage_picture” and “get_u_in_webpage_picture” to the "$webpage" object. Their emergence has passed quietly, but it also deserves separate description cause of opportunity it gives.

The ability to find coordinates of something by the image pattern – is the aim of these functions. The image on the picture is compared automatically with site screenshot. The coordinates computed and returned when they coincide. If desired element "floats" with each page refreshing or you're working with Flash, in which is difficult to make a script, using only the cliques in the coordinates, - then these functions will help.

For example, let's get on page http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/examples/full.php and make the image sample. The image size is not particularly important, the function will return the coordinates of the first full match. The comparison is the result of color and position of each pixel. You have to save image in bmp extension and 24 bpp. There is a copy of picture I took for the experiments:


Now there is the script turn. You can get the coordinates, using the following code:


echo " The coordinates of the image:$x $y";

As you guessed, I named the picture «1.bmp» and saved it in drive C: root. Now, after running this script, we will have its coordinates. You can easily click on them by function “$mouse-> click ($x, $y);” when you have its coordinates. Add it to your script, check the result and experiment with other samples.

Thus, you can adapt the mouse work with the help of these functions, regardless of the browser window size and key elements location.

Convenient functional for saving pictures samples will be added in upcoming versions. Feel free to say any of your thoughts about the expansion of these functions in ICQ Support.


The example of using the command line, working with Web Emulator


In addition to the program folder duplicating, there is another multithreaded Emulator settings option, which causes less confusion with scripts and templates. First, I should recall the following commands existence for the command line: / port: *** and / script: ***

The first runs the program on the specified port instead of asterisks, and the second loads and initiates the specified script simultaneously.

The example bat-file running five program copies:

start "XWeb Human Emulator" "D:\Xweb\Human Emulator MT\XWeb Human Emulator.exe" /port:"7010" /script:“D:\scripts\script7010.php”

ping -n 1 -w 5000 >nul

start "XWeb Human Emulator1" "D:\Xweb\Human Emulator MT\XWeb Human Emulator.exe" /port:"7011" /script:“D:\scripts\script7011.php”

ping -n 1 -w 5000 >nul

start "XWeb Human Emulator2" "D:\Xweb\Human Emulator MT\XWeb Human Emulator.exe" /port:"7012" /script:“D:\scripts\script7012.php”

ping -n 1 -w 5000 >nul

start "XWeb Human Emulator3" "D:\Xweb\Human Emulator MT\XWeb Human Emulator.exe" /port:"7013" /script:“D:\scripts\script7013.php”

ping -n 1 -w 5000 >nul

start "XWeb Human Emulator4" "D:\Xweb\Human Emulator MT\XWeb Human Emulator.exe" /port:"7014" /script:“D:\scripts\script7014.php”

(The command “ping -n 1 -w 5000> nul” used for making 5 seconds pause between program startups)

Usually, a simple batch file launch has little effect, because the program, running on different ports, will apply to one and the same- templates, which defines a single port (default 7010).

But it can be done "knight's move" - in each script, runing with the program, before templates connecting, to register:


The current program copy port number – where the stars are. It turns out, at the script “script7010.php” it will be “7010”, at “script7011.php” – “7011”, etc.


Only new scripts will require a reproduction at this program organization. Their difference from each other will be only in one of the first lines and the name. It is better to use the plug port number in the title for less confusion. It is also not cause problems to upgrade programs, because to update one copy - not the same like twenty.

Try to create a bat-file with the code above and put it in the scripts folder on the D: scripts with the names from “script7010.php” till “script7014.php”. They will have follow content:


require("C:/Program Files/XWeb/Human Emulator/Templates/xweb_human_emulator.php");

// navigate to google


// wait on browser


// Quit


But instead of stars there is the port number from the title. And, for clarity, the transition to Google can be replaced in every copy of the script to other site.

You’ll get five copies of the program after starting bat-file. Each of copies performs personally registered to her script.

BTW, the first program start like this can initiate quarrel, like “does not match the port in templates” - they can be ignored by putting and confirming this tick "Yes".


Human Emulator 4.0

The promised software update was published with very nice modifications to functions of theprogram. Namely:

  • The ability of automatic recognizing capchas was added into functionality of the programm in image object function "recognize_capcha"

  • The examples of recognizable capchas, as well as instructions to the function are here:
  • Reworked the macro:

    • New options were added
    • Work with elements in frame was implemented.
    • The opportunity to write a macro to the current script of cursor position was implemented.

  • The command “app->enable_quit” was added - useful command that prohibits/allows quit from the application. It is very important in the process of working with a large number of scripts simultaneously.
  • The test scripts were updated.
  • More stable start for XP was made.
  • Menu item was added:

    • Add to Favorites
    • Organize Favorites

  • Parameter value for the clicks on a radio button with same name (empty by default) was added to the function “radiobox->click_by_name”.
  • The command to switch zoom of the browser Ctrl 1... Ctrl 0 was introduced.
  • The command “browser-> set_zoom” for zooming image browser was added. It was made the possibility to add in a dialogue proxy test for more than 60 000 pieces at one time.

Unfortunately not everyone will have a chance to receive this update for free, but only those who purchased the program less than six months ago. You can extend the ability to download updates in our sales department:

e-mail: sales@webemulator.info


Multithreaded Human Emulator

We’re glad to inform you that Human Emulator multithreaded version was published recently.

In regarding to this, one-thread program packet pricing policy has little changes:
Packet Human Emulator Standard with 1 one-thread program version license - $249wmz.
Packet Human Emulator Professional with 3 one-thread program version license - $349.
Packet Human Emulator MT (Multi Thread) with 1 multithreaded program version license -

Additional license for the one-thread program version - $139.
Additional license multithreaded program version - $219.


Human Emulator

It is very hard to live without Internet nowadays. The news, weather forecast, reports and prognosis, price lists and correspondence, - thanks to the Internet we can be hip to the latest events, that taking place in the world. It becomes easier for us to get needed information. Browser Internet Explorer is probably most common used program in the world today. Every day we make hundred same operations: opening, closing sites, entering our information, sending requests, logining and sending message. If you are the owner of your site or advertise some product (service) in the Internet, the number of similar operations disastrous raises immediately. It takes a lot of valuable time, and it comes a natural wish to automatize routine.

E.g., you need to send the message with advertisement to the local forum, you should login, enter your personal details, post the message and make tens of similar operations. There is no doubt that this procedure is tedious and monotonic, but it’s seemed to be necessary and impossible to get out of. But there is solution of this problem. There are useful programs that can do all routine operations in browser instead of you today. One of them - Human Emulator – was primary oriented on web-program designers. It was created for making programmers life easier. Cause they’re making hundred monotonic operations every day. As the scripts are the soft code pieces, created in the time of working with sites, always repeated. Human Emulator was planned as the script constructor and was used by programmers PHP as browser emulator for testing web-resources workability, information acquisition, sites transferring from one engine to other. Nowadays, it is full-fledged emulator any human operation at Internet Explorer browser.

The name of this program is translated as “human operations emulator”. It’s really capable to increase productivity of your operations in the Internet: push the buttons and links, drag the elements, login automatically and send messages to a few forums at one time.

The conveniences, that Human Emulator provides, were evaluated by sites promotion experts. It is not a secret, that you have all time to apply it’s SEO – Optimization, if you want to draw smb's attention to your site: add new texts, update program code, allocate links to your portal on the other sites, - these operations let your site get to the search system 1-st lines. These operations are not complicate, but need to be always repeated, because the number of competitors rises. Human Emulator proves to be useful СЕО instrument in this sphere. It is working not only with your site, but also collect information about your business competitors, search requests. It is capable to mass create accounts and send to forums and social social network commercial messages. The instrument like this should have everyone, who builds his earning at “Internet sharing”.